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Perfection Isn’t Possible

Something that we facilitators and educators must remember, is that we will never, ever be perfect. Is that something to be embarrassed about? No! That's something to be proud of instead! Our imperfections are what makes each of us unique. The same can go for any type of teaching style or learning style.

Nothing we say or do will truly ever be perfect. Honestly, I have always found some sort of strange comfort in that.  I don't have to be perfect. The same goes for any time you're educating people. Your education, facilitation, and your ability to teach others will never be perfect. There is always something to learn and that is the beauty of it all.

Part of this conversation is to jump into the idea that facilitation is never going to be perfect. There may be someone down the road that impresses the fire out of you. That's great but that doesn't mean that that person is the all-knowing, all-saying individual on facilitation. I'm sure if you go up and ask them, they will gladly tell you that they too have had a journey.  And I will even go out on a limb and say that they probably had a lot of growth.

Because none of us will ever be perfect and it's important to share your own personal growth, I think it's important for me to share my tips on facilitation! And this is the biggest one.

Be patient with your mistakes.

For me, and for several of us here at Managed by Magic, it is very difficult for us to let go of the imperfections that we personally have and the imperfections in some of our work sometimes. Gasp, did I say that we too have imperfections? Oh no!

Yes, of course, we have imperfections!

This is why we have team meetings: we can check on each other and encourage one another.  If we don't do that then how are we going to help one another grow and succeed in life? Do you see? It's all about being a team.  

One way that we all address this issue within ourselves, is to look at the fact that failure is a step forward. Read that again: mistakes are a step forward. Yes, successes are also steps forward, but failures are what actually teach us something. 

In a previous post, I mentioned the concept of how we have to let butterflies come out of their own cocoons. This statement still holds pretty true. Even for us! We have to come through our own cocoon and go through our own development, over and over again. You see, growth isn't exactly a one-time thing. It's something that happens constantly over time and with more experience.  

You will always have to grow in your facilitation.  If you are going to be a facilitator and a team leader, then you have to work with your students like they are a team.  Guide each person to contribute to the group and remember, not every contribution is going to be perfect either.

Hopefully this helps you see that there isn’t anything wrong with your facilitation style.  People are never perfect and you will always find somewhere to grow.  Embrace the growth and keep learning!

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